Monday, March 7, 2011

Fashion: Skinny Jeans! How do you prefer to wear yours?


Fashion is one of those things that can pretty much go either way. Every person has their own idea of what's hot and what's not and that my friends is part of the beauty of it. We can all choose to be as wild and funky or as understated and conservative as we want to be. It's all about creativity!

However, There is one thing that keeps coming back no matter how many times we all swear off adding them to our wardrobe. I'm talking about Skinny Jeans people! Especially this past winter. I've taken notice that pretty much any apparel store I enter, these things are right there staring me in the face. Now, I would definately admit while wearing them the right way can be super flattering, wearing them the wrong way can lead to complete fashion disasters!

I'm just curious to know how other people feel about this notorious cut of denim. How do you ladies prefer to wear yours?

Note: I do not own the picture. Source link here

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